GLATA Diversity & Inclusion Student Scholarship
GLATA Diversity & Inclusion Student Scholarship
The GLATA will provide two (2) $2,000 scholarships to students from a CAATE accredited program that have demonstrated an interest in advancing DEIA efforts within their program, institution, community, state, the GLATA, and/or the athletic training profession. Awardees will also be provided with registration and two nights of hotel for the annual GLATA Annual Meeting and Symposium, where they will receive their award.
December 15, 2024 @ 11:59 p.m. EST.
- Applicant must be a GLATA member (District 4 or 11)
- This criterion is fulfilled if student is a member of the NATA.
- Applicant must be a student within a professional CAATE accredited education program.
- Applicant must hold a valid NPI number (if student does not have a current and valid NPI number, the GLATA D&I Committee will assist the candidate with obtaining an NPI number).
- Applicant must be from a diverse background (this may be addressed within an enclosed essay). See below for definition of diversity.
- Applicant must demonstrate an interest in advancing DEIA efforts within their institution, state, and/or district (this may be addressed within an enclosed essay).
Interested candidates that meet the criteria should submit an application, which includes a copy of their resume and a 2–3-page essay that addresses the following:
- Use the definitions below to assist you in responding to the following questions.
- Diversity: refers to the multitude of human characteristics and traits (e.g., race/ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, gender or gender fluidity, nationality, physical and/or cognitive abilities, and others) a person may possess along with the range of these persons that may be present in an environment or community.
- Equity: an instance where all members of a community are given access and the resources necessary to thrive to their full potential, void of bias, discrimination, inherent racism, deficit thinking and/or misconceptions associated with the full scope of their identity(ies).
- Accessibility: giving equitable access to everyone along the continuum of human ability and experience
- Inclusion: refers to the openness and acceptance of different characteristics and/or traits a person may represent, along with the ability to embrace these differences to include an individual into a given community, group and/or social environment.
- Introduce yourself.
- How does the importance of diversity, equity, inclusion, and access intersect with your identity as a student in a professional athletic training program?
- How has your lived experience(s) as a student been impacted by your unique identity(ies), and how have you used your knowledge gained from your lived experiences to help you succeed?
- What advice would you give to a student from a minoritized or marginalized community to help them advance in their athletic training program?
Interested applicants should submit their application to the Committee Coordinator (Jenny Toonstra @ for the GLATA Diversity & Inclusion Committee by the application deadline. Please write “GLATA D&I Student Scholarship Application” in the subject line.
Applicants will be evaluated by voting members of the GLATA Diversity & Inclusion Committee, based on the above-named criteria as well as a written rubric. The agreed-upon recipients will be presented to the GLATA Executive Board for approval and recognition during the annual GLATA Meeting & Clinical Symposia.
Any questions should be directed to Dr. Jenny Toonstra, GLATA D&I Committee Coordinator @